Arthur Keleti, Cyber-Secret Futurist, IT Security Strategist and book author (The Imperfect Secret), is widely-respected around the world as an expert on cybersecurity, and a visionary in his field. More than twenty years of working for leading financial and telecommunication companies in the role of business development, communication, and cyber security manager, has molded him into a forward-thinking specialist in his profession. Besides his independent research of cyber-secrets, he works for T-Systems Hungary, where he has served as IT Security Strategist since 1999. He is the founder of the long-running East-European cybersecurity grand conf-expo: Day of IT Security (ITBN.) Arthur Keleti is also the President and founder of the Voluntary Cyber Defence Collaboration, a civil organization of cybersecurity professionals supporting critical infrastructures. He has a broad view and understanding of the global IT Security market, which he actively helps to grow and develop. He is particularly interested in the ever-changing world of corporate and private security issues, keeping a watchful eye on the upcoming events of our near future, and its sometimes frightening and alienating tendencies. Hearing about his experiences and vision can help prepare us to face the approaching tide of change more adequately equipped for survival.