Elizabeth Koumpan has been performing evaluation and analysis of the current technical environments and completed assessment against the set of leading practices within different organizations. Developed Reference architecture that addresses key integration, migration and consolidation decisions.
Recognized for her expertise in the area of unstructured data, & ability to understand information patterns. Led IBM ILG Software social campaign to develop industry whitepapers and Point of view around information governance in the era of big data. Has been leading cognitive transformation in the area of medical devices thru Internet of Things, and presented ‘Medical devices transformation and how to be relevant in the healthcare ‘ @ Interconnect 2016. Developed a PoV for med devices in healthcare .
As a leader of the Cognitive Discovery and Exploration RA for Nutrition, she has been working on different scenarios and architectures. AS part of CSCC Council, she was one of the contributors into Open Cloud technologies POV ‘ Cloud Impact on Health care’ Have been addressing information integration and governance in complex enterprise ecosystems for the last few decades.